Hiroshi Nakamura Apps

ワリカンくん 1.1.2
シンプルな割り勘計算アプリです。合計に支払金額を入れ、Aに人数を入れてそのまま計算を押せばすぐに1人あたりの支払い金額が表示されます。さらに、A、Bそれぞれに人数を入れ、割合をプログレスバーで調整して計算を押すと、割合に応じたそれぞれの1人あたりの支払金額が表示されます。This app is a simplecalculation Dutch.Put the total payment amount,Payment amount per person will be displayed as soon as you pressthe calculation as it is to put the number in A.In addition, the number of people put to each A, B, and he pressedthe calculation progress bar to adjust the ratio,Payment amount per capita according to the proportion of each isdisplayed.